Suett, Lisa
The Gingerbread Man / Lisa Suett - Italy : ELI Readers , 2021 - 32 p. : il col - Ypung ELI Readers Stage 2 A1 .
Read about the Gingerbread Man as he runs away from an old woman, an old man, a cow and a horse. No one can catch him! But then he meets a fox... Who is more clever? The fox or the Gingerbread Man?
3º-4º Primaria 5º-6º Primaria
The Gingerbread Man / Lisa Suett - Italy : ELI Readers , 2021 - 32 p. : il col - Ypung ELI Readers Stage 2 A1 .
Read about the Gingerbread Man as he runs away from an old woman, an old man, a cow and a horse. No one can catch him! But then he meets a fox... Who is more clever? The fox or the Gingerbread Man?
3º-4º Primaria 5º-6º Primaria