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Taste and other tales / Roald Dahl

by Dahl, Roald [Author]; Caldon, Michael [Adapter].
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Longman fiction.Publisher: Harlow (Essex) :Longman ,1999 Edition: [Simplified edition].Description: 101 p ;20cm.ISBN: 9781408276648.Subject(s): Relatos | Lecturas adaptadas | Fantasía | MisterioOnline resources: Click here to access online
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Abstract: All the stories in Taste and Other Tales have a wonderfully inventive story line and Roald Dahl’s trademark ‘twist in the tale’. The characters are all ordinary people on the surface, but have a dark and often cruel side to their nature. Tension is built up around the relationships between the various characters.
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Prestable IES Fernando Esquío
Sala préstamo
82I DAH tas 1 Available CED007000003232
Prestable IES Fernando Esquío
Sala préstamo
82I DAH tas 1 Available CED007000007841
Prestable IES Fernando Esquío
Sala préstamo
82I DAH tas 1 Available CED007000006934

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All the stories in Taste and Other Tales have a wonderfully
inventive story line and Roald Dahl’s trademark ‘twist in
the tale’. The characters are all ordinary people on the
surface, but have a dark and often cruel side to their
nature. Tension is built up around the relationships
between the various characters.

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