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British and American Festivities / Gina D. B. Clemen

by Clemen, Gina D. B [Author].
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Green Apple; A2.Publisher: Barcelona :Vicens Vives ,1999 Edition: 1ª ed.Description: 112 p. :il. cor ;24 .cm + 1 casete.ISBN: 978-8431680756.Subject(s): Costumes | Lectura adaptadaOnline resources: Click here to access online Abstract: Why do we celebrate Halloween? Do you want to surprise your sweetheart with a special Valentine card from Loveland, USA? Who invented the Christmas card? This unique book explores the origins of our festivities, their historical significance, and how we celebrate them today.
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Prestable IES Fernando Esquío
Sala préstamo
82I Literatura escri CLE british and ame 1 Available CED007000007439
Prestable IES Fernando Esquío
Sala préstamo
82I CLE bri 1 Available CED007000004568

Why do we celebrate Halloween? Do you want to surprise your sweetheart with a special Valentine card from Loveland, USA? Who invented the Christmas card?
This unique book explores the origins of our festivities, their historical significance, and how we celebrate them today.

3º-4º ESO

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