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From slavery to celebrity / Micky Jenkisn and Jill Alexander

by Jenkins, Micky [Author]; Alexander, Jill [Actor].
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Burlington Activity Reader ; 1.Publisher: London : Burlington Books , 2022 Edition: 1ª.Description: 92 p. : il. ; 21 cm.ISBN: 9789925309221.Subject(s): Valores | Dereitos humáns | Igualdade | Lecturas adaptadasOnline resources: Click here to access online Abstract: Here are the stories of four legendary women of colour, who succeeded and achieved greatness despite the racial prejudice and discrimination they suffered. Escaped slave Harriet Tubman made the dangerous journey to freedom in Canada, but returned to help other slaves escape, too. Mathematical genius Katherine Johnson worked at NASA helping to put the first American man into orbit. Poet, writer and civil rights activist Maya Angelou won numerous awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. Oprah Winfrey is one of the USA’s richest and most influential celebrities today.
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Prestable IES Fernando Esquío
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82I JEN sla Available CED007000022080
Prestable IES Fernando Esquío
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82I JEN sla Available CED007000022081
Prestable IES Fernando Esquío
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82I JEN sla Available CED007000022082

Here are the stories of four legendary women of colour, who succeeded and achieved greatness despite the racial prejudice and discrimination they suffered. Escaped slave Harriet Tubman made the dangerous journey to freedom in Canada, but returned to help other slaves escape, too. Mathematical genius Katherine Johnson worked at NASA helping to put the first American man into orbit. Poet, writer and civil rights activist Maya Angelou won numerous awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. Oprah Winfrey is one of the USA’s richest and most influential celebrities today.

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