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Sentido y sensibilidad / Ang Lee by Lee, Ang Publication: Barcelona :RBA 1996 Physical description: 1 DVD. 131' :son., col. Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (1),

Selectividad Inglés Pruebas de 1998 / Varios by Ferran, Josep M Publication: Madrid :Anaya 1999 Physical description: 180 p ;22cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (1),

Capitán América : el primer vengador = Captain America : the first Avenger / Joe Johnston by Johnson, Joe Publication: Madrid :Paramount Spain 2011 Physical description: 1 DVD (ca. 119 min.) :son., col Academic level: ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (1),

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