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The Hunt for Jack the Ripper / Samuel Sheehy by Sheehy, Samuel Publication: Lymassol (Chipre) Burlington 2020 Physical description: [70] p. : il. cor ; 20 cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (2), Checked out (6),

The Treasure Seekers / E. Nesbit by Nesbit, E. Publication: Limassol (Cyprus) :Burlington Books 2010 Physical description: 68 p :il ;20cm Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (2),

Olympic Kate / Kendall, Sue   Publication: Cyprus :Burlington Books 2007 Physical description: 55 :Blanco y negro Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (1),

A foreigner in New York / Ramón Ybarra Rubio by Ybarra Rubio, Ramón Publication: Limassol (Chiore) :Burlington Books 2003 Physical description: 81 p. :il. bl. y n. ;20cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (1),

A Christmas Carol / Charles Dickens by Dickens, Charles Publication: Limassol (Chipre) : Burlington 2003 Physical description: 39 p. : il. cor ; 20 cm Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (1),

The Skating Detective / Hopkins, Ellen by Hopkins, Ellen Publication: Cyprus :Burlington 2005 Physical description: 59 Academic level: ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (1),

The Lost World / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by Doyle, Arthur Conan Publication: Limassol (Chipre) :Burlington Books 2009 Physical description: 67 p :il. col ;21cm Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (1),

The evil painting by Hart, Julie Publication: :Burlington 2000 Physical description: 39 p :il ;20cm Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (1),

A ghost collection / Anne Stanmore by Stanmore, Anne Publication: Limassol (Cyprus) :Burlington Books 2009 Physical description: 64 p :il. col ;21cm Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Fernando Esquío (2),

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